CDs & Video - Allan Chapman

To purchase a CD please contact Allan Chapman.

Travelin' West

In this CD there are some miniature movies, dark dramas, cowboys on prancing ponies, some spiritual topics not normally sung about, a ghost song, a celebration of Australian Shepherds, the Mexican winds that heat up West Texas and New Mexico, and a few winks and nods to old song traditions that came West with the immigrants and changed around campfires and social gatherings.

Under Blue Skys


Under Blue Skies was released in 2016.  Allan’s original songs show his deep connection to his Texas roots

Western Folk (songs from the prairie)

Western Folk Songs From the Prairie "Allan, glad it worked!!! I played it again today... Luscious... Warm... Thick... Big... Haunting... Effortless... Well stated... Tastefull... Truth... Real... We fixed the broken bones but left the scars."
— Steve Browne/CLMG Studio

This CD was recorded, mixed and mastered all in less than 24 hours at CLMG Studio in Dallas, Texas, October 28, 2012

Read more reviews, listen to samples and purchase the CD... Read More!

West of the 98th Meridian   

West of the 98th Meridian Released in 2010, is a journey in song across the western landscape. Two songs have been consistently singled out for radio play – Smoke of the Brandin' Fire and The Stars Over Benjamin.

"West of the 98th Meridian…is thoughtfully produced and rendered, making it superior fare… his original songs are deeply connected to his Texas History.."

"…a worthy follow – up to his 6th Generation!."
— Rick Huff's Best Of The West Reviews

Sixth Generation (tales of the west)

Sixth Generation (tales of the west) Sixth Generation (tales of the west), was nominated for Western Album of the year 2009 by the Western Music Association. The song Boxcars Of Juarez is a top – 20 play winner on the Americana Radio Network.

"…This album is covered with the dust, history and humanity of the West…"
— American Cowboy Magazine

Allan’s songs These Cowboy Boots and Blood On The Sand are consistent western radio favorites.

Allan has released 4 music videos (also viewable on YouTube):

Chili Red Records    Western Music Association